Dennis Slattery - Living a Cohearant Life

  • Fri, November 18, 2016
  • 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
  • Parkdale United Church


  • Discounted price for Members and Friends of Jung
  • Regular price ticket for the public

Registration is closed

Lecture: “Living a Cohearant Life.” 

 Joseph Campbell and C.G. Jung have both addressed calling, a vocative moment in one’s life when the myth one is living wishes to be heard, or better, co-heard. Co-hearance implies two individuals being called: the person we are presently and the person we are being called to become. The lecture will include Jung’s own wonderment about what myth he was living. It will also explore Moses’ moment of confrontation with the burning bush as his moment of calling. It will end with several insights by the poet Ranier Marie Rilke on being called to a writing life. The discussion following the lecture will be an opportunity for individuals to speak about their own calling. Vocation seems to be one of our most shared archetypal situations.